A Dream of Family and Politics

A Dream of Family and Politics
Im from India , my mother had this dream in afternoon 4 o clock , where she was in a house where she used to live in before her marriage . She is sitting with my 24 year old cousin or her niece with her best friend, Suddenly they hear my mother's mom (who died 23 years ago) and my mother's father (who died 1 year ago) argueing. They were argueing about which party to vote for. THen suddenly the bed on which my mother and her niece were sitting , a big white dog came out and peed on the wall. and after that my mother woke up, one thing to note that there was no washing machine (which was not common 25 years ago) but still there was my cousin of 24 years old execly the same she is today. iM WORRIED ABOUT MY MOTHER BECASUSE WHEN SHE WOKE UP SHE ASKED ME IS MY END NEAR? So please tell me what will happen what does this dream mean and what are the outcomes

This dream is a reflection of your mother’s subconscious thoughts and emotions. The setting of the dream, her childhood home, represents a sense of nostalgia and longing for the past. The presence of her niece and best friend suggests a desire for companionship and support. The sudden appearance of her deceased parents symbolizes unresolved issues and unfinished business with them. The argument about politics may represent conflicting beliefs or values within the family. The fact that they are discussing voting, a civic duty, could also suggest a need for your mother to make a decision or take action in her waking life. The white dog, a symbol of loyalty and protection, could represent your mother’s need for guidance and reassurance. The act of peeing on the wall could symbolize a release of pent-up emotions or a need to mark territory. Your mother’s question about her end could indicate a fear of mortality or a sense of urgency to resolve these issues. Overall, this dream may be a reminder for your mother to address any unresolved issues and make peace with her past in order to move forward in her present life.