A Dream of Fear and Loss

A Dream of Fear and Loss
It started out with me and my mum going out for dinner at an Italian restaurant, it was our first time going so we ordered lots of food. I see my old friend Natalie, who I haven’t seen for a while, and she decided to come over and sit with us to catch up. Once we finished the food, me and my mum go back home. Then I was walking at night on my own, and saw from a distance that Natalie had died, as well as a girl called Olivia who was in my toddler group. A man with his hood covering his eyes, appeared to have a stubbly chin. He poisoned the girls by stabbing them with the substance when they were walking back home. I instantly got afraid, and ran somewhere behind the trees for hours. When I was safe to come out, I ran to a house that wasn’t mine, to find that my mum was in there worrying about me. On the route home, I called the police to tell them what had happened, and when I got to the house they were there to ask me questions. I locked all the doors and windows, and went to bed. The next day, the deaths were all over social media, which made me feel worried. The next evening after the deaths, me and my mum went back to the Italian restaurant, and we were served by a girl called Anna, who I went to primary school with. I didn’t want a lot of food, just a bit of cake as I wasn’t hungry. When we got home, the police came round to explain what they had found to me, they showed the needle with the toxic substance inside, accidentally pouring some on my bedroom floor. Suddenly, police from downstairs called on us that the intruder was here, I ran to the toilet where there was a lock, but struggled to close the door properly as he was creeping up the stairs with his needle. This was when I woke up.

This dream may represent feelings of fear and loss in your waking life. The Italian restaurant symbolizes a new experience or opportunity that you are excited about, but the presence of your old friend Natalie suggests that you may be feeling nostalgic for the past. The deaths of Natalie and Olivia may symbolize the loss of connections or relationships in your life. The man with the hood and stubbly chin may represent a sense of danger or threat in your life. Running and hiding behind trees may symbolize avoidance or escape from this danger. The police and social media may represent a need for protection and validation. The return to the Italian restaurant and the presence of Anna may symbolize a desire for comfort and familiarity in the face of fear and loss. The toxic substance and intruder may represent toxic or harmful influences in your life that you are struggling to protect yourself from. This dream may be a reflection of your subconscious fears and anxieties, and may suggest a need to confront and address these issues in your waking life.