A Dream of High School on a Cruise Ship

A Dream of High School on a Cruise Ship
In this dream I was transported back to my high-school. My high-school was in a giant cruise ship, instead of a building though. This school ship was floating in a big body of water. My boyfriend was there and we were eating our school lunch together. Our school mascot happened to be a bear, so in the lunch room, sat a bear with all the students. I remember the bear getting riled up because a girl started to run around the room, which triggered a hunt response from the bear. I was afraid of the bear, but my boyfriend assured me it was all alright. Eventually I found myself in an indoor pool room that was on this school ship. I was with a group of boys and we were all about to smoke weed. I had the weed bag on me and as I was starting to feel anxious about it all, my anxiety was heightened by the administrator walking into the door. She yelled about the boys smoking weed, assuming it was them. Taking the bag of weed and hiding it under my shirt, I ran out the room before she could reprimand me. I quickly threw away the bag of weed in the nearest trash can I could find, embarrassed by my nervousness. All of a sudden, the school ship started to sway violently. The waters had begun to engulf the school ship. Back and forth the waves took over the ship. I could see the crashing waves burst into the windows of the school ship, quickly beginning to drown all of us in the school

This dream may symbolize a desire to revisit a past time in your life, specifically your high school years. The cruise ship represents a sense of adventure and exploration, as well as the idea of being adrift and not having a solid foundation. The presence of your boyfriend may suggest a need for emotional support and stability during this uncertain time. The school mascot, a bear, could represent a strong and protective presence in your life. The bear’s reaction to the girl running around may symbolize your own fears and anxieties being triggered. The indoor pool room and smoking weed with boys may represent a desire for rebellion and breaking rules. The administrator’s interruption and your anxiety about being caught may reflect feelings of guilt or fear of consequences. The violent swaying of the ship and the engulfing waters could symbolize overwhelming emotions or challenges in your life. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your current struggles and a reminder to confront and overcome them.