A Dream of Island Adventures and Animal Encounters

A Dream of Island Adventures and Animal Encounters
I had. a dream of being in an island where it has a railway in the middle of the ocean where the water surrounds it and when the water rises this rail of sand disappears I was with two people and they were waiting for something and I told them I cant swim as the water started to rise up and cover the sand we ae standing on and then I found my self swimming in the water. after this scene I had a dream of being chased by a huge octupus and he kept chasing me and called me by my name and he was huge enough and hugged me and wanted to pleasure me sexually by his tentacles and rubbed my pussy and I ran away .t then I had a dream of being lost with my friend in a weird place where it was in nature and greenlands was surrounding us and we found people in a car to rescue us and they were lots of men and they wanted to record us but I threw their phone away, and told them if they want to save us then dont record if u will record then leave!. then I was on top of a high log and a brown horse wanted to reach to. me. then me and my friend were in a weird land with small river and in the other side is muddy dry land I told her to take care while she was walking in the river that there are crocodiles she said where and then we saw small crocodiles and before she could walk further in the river she got out and a big crocodile came out and we went on top of a high log .

This dream may symbolize a desire for adventure and exploration in your waking life. The island represents a sense of isolation and detachment from the outside world, while the railway in the middle of the ocean suggests a journey or path that may be challenging or unconventional. The rising water and disappearing sand may represent feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control in a situation. The octopus chasing and sexually pleasuring you may symbolize a fear of being overpowered or controlled by someone or something in your waking life. The rescue by men and the struggle to not be recorded may suggest a desire for privacy and autonomy. The horse and crocodiles may represent different aspects of your personality or emotions, with the muddy dry land symbolizing a sense of stagnation or lack of growth. Overall, this dream may reflect a need for balance and control in your life, as well as a desire for new experiences and challenges.