A Dream of Old Memories and New Beginnings

A Dream of Old Memories and New Beginnings
I was working at an old shop that sold antiques and furniture on the bottom floor, but the top floor sold marine aquarium fish in beautiful tanks. And it was raining and I came in late for the meeting soaking wet and slightly exposed and my coworkers who were all very sweet and nice but no one I knew from real life ask had to go home because of the storm, except one old lady who encouraged me to find my boss (who was an actual old boss of mine from real life) so then she left and my boss covered my wet body in a black fringed shawl from one of the antiques and wrapped it around me from behind and let his fingers just barely but quite intentionally graze me in the most sensitive of areas

This dream may symbolize a desire for change and growth in your life. The old shop represents your past experiences and the familiar, while the top floor with the marine aquarium fish represents new and exciting opportunities. The rain and being late for a meeting may suggest feelings of being overwhelmed or unprepared for a new chapter in your life. The exposure and vulnerability you feel may reflect a fear of being judged or not fitting in with your new surroundings. The kind and supportive coworkers represent the positive influences and encouragement you have in your life. The old lady may represent wisdom and guidance, urging you to seek out your old boss for advice and guidance. The shawl and intentional touch from your boss may symbolize protection and support as you navigate this new journey. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious desires for growth, guidance, and support in your life.