A Dream of Property and Forgiveness

A Dream of Property and Forgiveness
In the dream I visited a property I own. The property has 2 houses; 1 large one and 1 small one. The large house I visited first its empty and the wooden ceiling is full of snakes. I am nlt worried, but I proceed to the garden on back and then move to the side of the garden. There I see the small yellow house, like a cottage. This house is being rented to the family of a man that wronged me many years ago. When I see the wife and kids I do not have negative feelings. The 2 kids are playing with a bunch of toy owls I have in the garden. Suddenly an old friend and banker comes to the property and makes an offer for it, I said I would think about it. Afterwards I go to the wife and talk to her. Ask her how she is doing. She tells me a bit about her life. Then I tell her I will send a company to remove the snakes for the large house and also ask her her kids stay in the rented area.

This dream may symbolize your feelings of ownership and control in your waking life. The two houses represent different aspects of yourself, with the large house representing your dominant and empty side, while the small yellow house represents your more humble and rented side. The snakes in the wooden ceiling may represent hidden fears or anxieties that you are not currently worried about. The garden symbolizes growth and potential, and your movement to the side of the garden may suggest a desire for change or exploration. Seeing the family of the man who wronged you may represent forgiveness and letting go of negative feelings. The toy owls may symbolize wisdom and guidance, and their presence in the garden suggests that you have the tools to overcome any challenges. The old friend and banker may represent a desire for financial stability or success. Your offer to remove the snakes and allow the family to stay in the rented area may symbolize your willingness to let go of past grievances and move forward with compassion and understanding.