A Dream of Protection and Deliverance

A Dream of Protection and Deliverance
This morning before waking, I dreamed of my son, not really sure where we were almost looked as though it was some type of dorm. I was there, he had went out to buy some food, came back, walked into what looked to be some sort of room or small apartment. he had his food in his hands and was about to sit down to eat when suddenly someone a guy grabbed his food, and suddenly all I could see were hands just beating him. And they were punching him and slapping him, and all these hands were just beating him. His eyes were open. Next thing I know he was not breathing. And as I am making my way towards him and standing over him, he had a breathing tube down his throat. All the while his eyes remained open. There was a young woman attending to him. It seemed as though I was viewing this, but felt as though I was not actually there.

This dream may symbolize a fear or concern for the safety and well-being of your son. The dorm-like setting could represent a place of transition or growth in his life. The fact that he went out to buy food and returned to a room or apartment could suggest a sense of independence and self-sufficiency. However, the sudden attack by an unknown person could represent unexpected challenges or dangers that your son may face in his journey. The hands beating him could symbolize the physical, emotional, or spiritual attacks that he may encounter. The fact that his eyes were open could indicate that he is aware of these challenges and may be struggling to overcome them. The breathing tube down his throat could symbolize a need for help or support in dealing with these challenges. The young woman attending to him could represent a divine helper or protector, providing care and assistance in times of need. This dream may be a reminder to pray for your son’s protection and to trust in God’s deliverance in the face of any difficulties he may face. It may also be a call to be vigilant and discerning in identifying and addressing any potential dangers or negative influences in your son’s life. Overall, this dream may serve as a reminder of God’s promise to be with us and protect us in all circumstances, and to trust in His power to overcome any challenges that may come our way.