A Dream of Protection and Spiritual Connection

A Dream of Protection and Spiritual Connection
I had a dream last night were i saw me and my sister Chinwe in a room. We were not in danger or anything. We were about to sleep. I was wearing a blue stretchy boobtube dress. I was also wearing the orange reddish royal wrist beads two on each with the orange reddish royal necklace. Chinwe was wearing orange reddish royal wrist beads two on each and when she was about to put the third one of one the wrist i said she must balance the universe. Then we slept off. While sleeping a yellow orange light with black eyes in it was scanning chinwes body . immediately i held her inner elbow and the light went back and vanished . she also felt and saw this light. Then i find me and Chinwe sitting on the bed and she held me wrist and i held her arm and i was praying when suddenly she gasped looking at something behind me and i fainted. Then i woke up in real life

This dream may symbolize a strong bond and protective instincts between the dreamer and their sister. The room represents a safe and intimate space for the two of them. The blue stretchy boobtube dress may symbolize a sense of comfort and ease in the dreamer’s life. The orange reddish royal wrist beads and necklace may represent a connection to spirituality and tradition. The dreamer’s reminder to balance the universe may suggest a desire for harmony and balance in their life. The yellow orange light with black eyes may symbolize a sense of danger or negative energy, but the dreamer’s quick action to protect their sister shows their strong protective instincts. The act of praying may represent a need for guidance and support in the dreamer’s life. The sister’s gasp and the dreamer’s fainting may symbolize a sudden realization or shock. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s strong bond with their sister and their desire for protection and spiritual connection.