A Dream of Protection and Warning

A Dream of Protection and Warning
I’m in the food court hubby said that he heard these little girls talking about their little brother is going to have their first test. I got up started talking loud said excuse me everyone I’m looking for someone who’s about to have their first exam I found this little boy who is sitting on the chair I pray for him. I prayed for his legs hands right ear and head he turned and looked to the left I saw the bullet hole on his head. It was a dried with white around it and you were able to see the inside of his head. When I pray for his head the mom gasp hard don’t know why I left on a bike got on a trail next to me was a river I see this curve coming up ahead of me and I knew something was bad this family walking really fast came out And there is another trail connected to my trail. When I rode past that trail I saw an alligator trying to catch this toy car for a child to ride on, but there was no child in i was trying to pedal faster I couldn’t I look behind me alligator was chasing me

This dream may symbolize a call to intercede and pray for someone who is facing a difficult test or challenge in their life. The food court represents a place of nourishment and sustenance, and the fact that the dreamer’s husband heard about the little boy’s upcoming test may suggest that this situation is known and being discussed by others. The dreamer’s urgency and boldness in speaking up and offering to pray for the boy may reflect a strong sense of compassion and a desire to help. The fact that the dreamer prayed for specific body parts may symbolize a desire for complete healing and restoration for the boy. The bullet hole on the boy’s head may represent a past trauma or wound that needs to be addressed and healed. The mother’s gasp may indicate shock or surprise at the dreamer’s actions, but it could also symbolize a release of emotion or a sense of hope and relief.

The dreamer’s journey on the bike may represent a personal journey or mission, and the river and trail may symbolize the path of life. The curve and the sense of danger may suggest that there are obstacles or challenges ahead, and the family walking quickly may symbolize a sense of urgency or a need to move quickly. The alligator may represent a threat or danger, and the fact that it is trying to catch a toy car may symbolize a false sense of security or a distraction from the true danger. The dreamer’s inability to pedal faster may symbolize a feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to escape the danger. This dream may be a warning to be vigilant and aware of potential dangers, and to rely on God’s protection and guidance in navigating through difficult situations. It may also be a call to pray for those who are facing challenges and to trust in God’s power to bring healing and restoration.