A Dream of Redemption and Adventure

A Dream of Redemption and Adventure
Went in a cruise with my old friends. Jody was praying that Luke my son would work on my heart to help me save her because she didn’t want to be the only one in her family who wasn’t saved. The girls and I went to buy perfume and we forgot our coupon so we went back to the room. Then we got to jump out the window and we’re supposed to land in a treasure box in the ocean. I overshot the box and landed in the water. We had jumped from so high that I got stuck in the water but somehow got out. Michelle was the curator of the restaurant.

This dream may symbolize a desire for redemption and a sense of adventure in your life. The cruise with old friends represents a journey through your past and the people who have influenced you. Jody’s prayer for your son to save you may reflect a need for guidance and support in your spiritual journey. The purchase of perfume with a forgotten coupon suggests a missed opportunity or regret in your waking life. Jumping out the window and landing in a treasure box may symbolize taking a risk and finding unexpected rewards. However, overshooting the box and getting stuck in the water may represent a fear of failure or feeling overwhelmed by your choices. Michelle as the curator of the restaurant may symbolize a need for organization and control in your life. Overall, this dream may be urging you to take risks and seek guidance in order to find fulfillment and redemption in your waking life.