A Dream of Rekindled Romance

A Dream of Rekindled Romance
I was walking around. I went into different bars and restaurants trying to find the perfect meeting spot for me and Stefan. I didnt like any of them so I went back to the first one I went to. I walked in and said "Table for two". She ask "inside or outside" I was not sure, I had a look outsid to see if stefan was already there. I couldnt see him. I was inside at the table the waitress was still talking to me. Stefan showed up, came to the table. He looked a bit rough and really tired barely said hello to me. I asked him  inside or outside he said something about that the sun is not good for him so I said okay inside it is. Then the waitress left I said I will write something down regarding Australia. I said to Stefan how are you? We looked at each other. I looked away, next time I looked to the left and he was right next to me on my left. He started to put his face close to mine and started to put is nose on my face, smelling my hair and neck and being very close to me. It felt very intimate. I turned my face away from him and said: "I cant to this". I turned my face back to him he tried again, I gave in and we kissed. I think we talked about leaving the restaurant then it switched to a new dream.

This dream may symbolize a desire for reconnection and intimacy with someone from your past. The act of searching for the perfect meeting spot could represent a search for the right circumstances or environment to reconnect with this person. The hesitation about choosing between inside or outside may reflect uncertainty or conflicting feelings about rekindling the relationship. The appearance of Stefan, looking rough and tired, could suggest that there may have been difficulties or challenges in the past relationship. However, the intimate moment of smelling each other’s hair and neck could symbolize a strong physical and emotional attraction. The dreamer’s initial resistance to the kiss may represent hesitation or fear about opening up to this person again. Ultimately, the dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to reconcile and reconnect with someone from their past, despite any challenges or uncertainties.