A Dream of Serving and Standing Firm in Faith

A Dream of Serving and Standing Firm in Faith
Mark undercooked his pasta and I knew it. I told him he did and recommended tums or pepto, to help with potential stomach ache/problems. I was at college? I was on the football team and Sierha was my gf. We got in trouble for staying up past curfew, so the whole team had to run for around 2 miles? It was easy though and I didn’t break a sweat? When that was done and the coaches were done talking to the team, I told Sierha I couldn’t walk her back to her room. Eventually she understood and I walked towards mine. This was when I saw a teammate helping this group of waiters, which seemed like frat boys. He told me to come help them. I helped lift this long table tray that had pole handles attached to carry. There was around 9 of us.(I took over for the person in the back because he had a leg/foot injury that he shouldn’t be lifting stuff on. I had to one man the back of it because it was only me, but people cheered me on for doing so. We acted as waiters for some party that college students were dressed up for. After we gave them the food we attended to anything they needed. Some were drinking alcohol and were already tipsy. I helped clean up spilled salt off the table for one girl, as I scooped it into my hand. One of the other waiters seemed annoyed at me. He randomly mentioned to me that he liked me at one point in the past, in an attempt to embarrass me in front of everyone it seemed. I eventually responded with saying that I follow the Lord and only him.

This dream may symbolize the challenges and temptations that Christians face in their daily lives. The dreamer, represented by the football player, is navigating through a college environment, which can be seen as a representation of the world. The dreamer’s girlfriend, Sierha, may symbolize the support and love of God in the midst of these challenges. The curfew and punishment for breaking it may represent the boundaries and rules set by God to guide and protect us. The easy run and lack of sweat may symbolize the ease of following God’s commandments and the peace that comes with it. However, the dreamer is faced with a test of faith when he is asked to help the waiters, who represent the worldly desires and temptations that can distract us from our faith. The injured waiter may symbolize the consequences of giving in to these temptations. The dreamer’s decision to stand firm in his faith and not give in to the waiter’s attempts to embarrass him represents the importance of staying true to one’s beliefs and values, even in the face of peer pressure. The spilled salt may symbolize the need for spiritual cleansing and the dreamer’s willingness to help clean it up represents his desire to serve and help others. The waiter’s confession of past feelings for the dreamer may symbolize the enemy’s attempts to lure us away from our faith. However, the dreamer’s response of following the Lord and only Him shows his commitment to staying on the right path. This dream serves as a reminder to Christians to stay strong in their faith and to resist the temptations of the world.