A Dream of Time Travel and Heroism

A Dream of Time Travel and Heroism
I go back in time because I wanted to reverse it and become a power ranger Jedi with three others at 12am and we stop the bad guys and in the morning the community praises us for saving Dani. Community comes together and there is a safe house for those hurting and b’s child oldest leg is hurting I analyze with my Jedi powers and it needs cut off amputated but it’s too late and is passing away, so b holds him and I hold them and let his child feel my baby to give him joy before he passes. Then I wake.

This dream may symbolize a desire for power and control, as well as a longing for recognition and praise from others. The dreamer’s desire to go back in time and change the past may reflect a desire to correct past mistakes or regrets. The dreamer’s desire to become a power ranger Jedi may represent a desire for strength, courage, and the ability to fight against evil. The dreamer’s companions in the dream may represent supportive and like-minded individuals who share the same goals and values. The dreamer’s success in stopping the bad guys may symbolize a sense of accomplishment and victory over one’s enemies or challenges in waking life. The community’s praise and coming together may represent a sense of unity and support from others in the dreamer’s life. The safe house for those hurting may symbolize a need for healing and protection in the dreamer’s life. The child’s leg injury and the dreamer’s Jedi powers to analyze and heal it may symbolize the dreamer’s ability to use their gifts and talents to help others in need. The child’s passing and the dreamer’s act of comforting and bringing joy to them before they pass may symbolize the dreamer’s compassion and empathy towards others. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s desire for power, recognition, and the ability to use their gifts and talents to make a positive impact in the world.