A Dream of Travel and Change

A Dream of Travel and Change
8/4 dream where i had to drive my neighbor older robin to doctors. we were in new york and i thought we were in the city but i looked at a map and we happened to be at the very top of new york state. the doctor was in canada and i was saying i couldn’t go because i don’t have a passport. we went anyway and then were at a mall i was walking around in. The city in canada started with an E. My mom came to get me and i mentioned we were in canada and i didn’t have a passport to be here. then i was at my earliest childhood house on maple avenue. i was cleaning for an inspection to sell the house and harry styles was the landlord and somehow my current landlord wendy was also the landlord. i told harry everything in the house is perfect except for the white wood fence. which has chips at the top in a triangle shape. I mentioned that happened before I came and I was positive of that. I was like a cleaning lady or nanny and there was a crawl space and attic in the house. i was saying i went into the attic earlier today and forgot about the crawl space. we went in joe, my brother’s, old room and he had used some sort of tape pen to paint light blue stripes on the wall. i explained that to harry and said i liked it. i wanted to kiss harry but he didn’t seem to want to and then I couldn’t because my family had come home. then i was at nazareth chapel getting married to no one. Or like getting married to my old dress. it was a candlelit ceremony and i was personally watching it from above and not in it. i think i also had to marry joe in some way it’s hard to remember then i was at mall and wanted to take a walk then i was at mia and liz apartment. they had this beautiful side room and it was all yellow and italian with tile floors and a windowed sun room it was night and they were buying koi fish and putting them in a huge pot. they were buying and bringing in beautiful little water animals to keep in that room. mia was telling the story of her and matt getting together. at first he wanted to not be exclusive so, she went on a date with someone else and immediately was like I can’t lose you let’s be exclusive. we were also all about to go on some sort of Atlantic small boat ride.

This dream may symbolize a desire for change and new experiences in your life. The act of driving your neighbor to the doctor’s office could represent a need for support or guidance in a current situation. The location of New York and Canada could symbolize a longing for adventure and exploration. The mention of a passport may suggest a fear of not being prepared or qualified for new opportunities. The mall could represent a sense of familiarity and comfort in the midst of change. The childhood home and the presence of two landlords may symbolize conflicting feelings about moving on from the past. The attic and crawl space could represent hidden aspects of yourself that you are discovering. The desire to kiss Harry Styles may symbolize a desire for passion and excitement in your life. The wedding ceremony could represent a union of different aspects of yourself or a need for commitment. The walk at the mall could symbolize a need for reflection and contemplation. The apartment with the yellow room and koi fish may symbolize a desire for beauty and tranquility in your life. The story of Mia and Matt’s relationship may represent a lesson about taking risks and being true to yourself. The boat ride could symbolize a journey towards new opportunities and growth. Overall, this dream may be urging you to embrace change and take risks in order to find fulfillment and happiness.