A Dream of Unexpected Blessings

A Dream of Unexpected Blessings
I was shopping at a store looking at clothes. I tried on a new swimsuit, because I didn’t have one and we were going somewhere where I needed one. The top cost $35, the bottom cast $19.99 and the cover up cost $25. While leaving the store, there was a waiting area, to get to the next place. There were people standing in line to go to the next area. Someone dropped what looked like the contents of a wallet. I picked it up and returned it to the woman who had dropped it. She said “thank you” and immediately pulled a $50 bill out of the contents and started to give it to me, when the person standing beside me tried to take it. I confirmed with the woman politely, and said, “this is for me?” She said yes. I received the $50 from her, gratefully. It was a simple thing I had done to receive such a great reward.

In this dream, the dreamer finds themselves shopping for clothes, specifically a swimsuit. This could symbolize a desire for a new identity or a need to feel confident and comfortable in a new situation. The dreamer tries on the swimsuit and sees the cost of each piece, indicating a need to weigh the costs and benefits of a decision or change in their life. The dreamer is then faced with a situation where they find a lost wallet and return it to its owner. This act of kindness is rewarded with a $50 bill, symbolizing unexpected blessings and provision from God. The dreamer is grateful and acknowledges that this reward was a simple act of kindness, reminding us that God’s blessings often come in unexpected ways and through simple acts of obedience. The waiting area and line to the next place could represent a period of waiting or preparation before receiving these blessings. This dream serves as a reminder to always be kind and obedient, as God sees and rewards our actions. It also encourages us to trust in God’s provision and timing, even when we may not understand it. Overall, this dream is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and the blessings that come from following His will.