A Dream of Unexpected Guests at a Beachside Resort

A Dream of Unexpected Guests at a Beachside Resort
I am in my mother’s cousin sister’s flat like the one they had in Vasco. I traverse the house and enter the washroom, a rather congested one. From outside, my mother’s cousin sister calls me and says that there is someone here to meet me. I come out and find three girls in swimwear sitting on the sofa. I am confused and say that I don’t know this kind of girls. But anyways, I accost them and they say they thought this is a beachside resort. From being confused and tongue tied as I thought they were looking for me, I turn myself into what I am good at, selling my beach resort. As I hope, they do become my guests.

This dream may symbolize a desire for new experiences and a sense of adventure. The dreamer finds themselves in a familiar setting, their mother’s cousin sister’s flat, but with a twist – it resembles a previous home in Vasco. This could represent a longing for the past or a sense of nostalgia. The dreamer then enters a congested washroom, which may symbolize feeling overwhelmed or trapped in a current situation. However, they are interrupted by their mother’s cousin sister, who informs them of unexpected guests. These guests, three girls in swimwear, represent a sense of freedom and carefree attitude. The dreamer initially feels confused and out of place, but quickly adapts and uses their skills to sell their beachside resort. This could symbolize the dreamer’s ability to adapt and make the best of any situation. Ultimately, the dream may reflect a desire for new experiences and a reminder to embrace change and make the most of unexpected opportunities.