A Dream of Unexpected Obstacles and Frustrations

A Dream of Unexpected Obstacles and Frustrations
Me and my bestfriend were dropping my car off at a service.she is in the car with me. I start feeling sleepy and fell asleep for a split second. My cars breaks stop working as well as the steering. My bestfriend says calmly “liv we are about to crash” we drove straight into a wall but the car was fine no dents no scratches nothing. We start driving again and end up driving through a shop, We make it to the service and they fix the car. My breaking and steering is now working but the badge on my steering wheel fell off but they said they wouldn’t fix it. So I get annoyed and frustrated and drive off when Al of a sudden I get a FaceTime from my best friend crying on a train.

This dream may symbolize feelings of frustration and helplessness in your waking life. The car represents your journey or path in life, and the fact that you are with your best friend suggests that you may be relying on their support and guidance. The car breaking down and losing control may represent unexpected obstacles or challenges that are hindering your progress. The lack of damage to the car could symbolize your resilience and ability to overcome these challenges. However, the badge falling off and not being fixed may represent a loss of identity or confidence in yourself. The FaceTime call from your crying best friend on a train could symbolize a sense of guilt or regret for not being able to fully support or help them in their own struggles. Overall, this dream may be reflecting your feelings of frustration and powerlessness in the face of unexpected challenges, and the importance of relying on your own resilience and support from loved ones to overcome them.