A Dream of Unexpected Romance

A Dream of Unexpected Romance
Me emry Ezra and Jarrett were in class together when Jarrett farts. The teacher escorts us out of the classroom as I'm standing in the hall I was close to my crush Maddie friends. When Maddie goes by me to talk to her friends she kisses me on the cheek and I almost pass out from shock while her friends and my friends alike are speechless and emry starts congratulating me. Maddie just stands there afterwords and blushes a little. I try to ask her why but I can't speak

This dream may symbolize a desire for unexpected romance or a longing for a romantic connection with someone. The classroom setting may represent a place of learning and growth, suggesting that this desire for romance may be linked to personal growth and development. The presence of the dreamer’s crush, Maddie, and her friends may symbolize the dreamer’s desire for acceptance and validation from those they admire. The kiss on the cheek may represent a desire for physical and emotional intimacy with Maddie. The dreamer’s inability to speak when trying to ask Maddie why she kissed them may suggest a fear of rejection or a lack of confidence in expressing their feelings. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s subconscious desires for love, acceptance, and connection with others.