A Dream of Unexpected Wealth and Guilt

A Dream of Unexpected Wealth and Guilt
So I am sitting in a mall at a table and a woman I know goes into a bank and basically robs the bank walks up to me with trash bags full of cash and says ok lets go....we are walking through the mall trying to avoid security and go through a long walkway and end up in the parking garage we get in her car and drive to some house. Once we get there I fall asleep but then got up thinking it was a dream but walk out to the living room and see the bags of cash and was like oh shit....I called jaryd and told him what happened he asked if we got caught I say no and he says ok then I ask the woman did she cover up her license plate she says no and I say well that fucking sucks and thats when I woke up

This dream may symbolize a desire for financial security and success. The mall represents a place of consumerism and materialism, while the bank robbery may represent a desire to obtain wealth through unconventional means. The woman may represent a part of yourself that is willing to take risks and break rules to achieve your goals. The trash bags full of cash may symbolize a feeling of abundance and excess. The walk through the mall and the attempt to avoid security may represent a fear of getting caught or facing consequences for your actions. The long walkway and parking garage may symbolize a journey towards achieving your desires. Falling asleep and then waking up to find the cash may represent a feeling of guilt or disbelief at your own actions. Calling Jaryd and discussing the situation may symbolize a need for validation or reassurance. The woman’s lack of concern for covering her license plate may represent a lack of concern for the consequences of your actions. Overall, this dream may reflect a desire for wealth and success, but also a fear of the potential consequences and guilt associated with achieving it through questionable means.