A Dream of Unrequited Love and Reconciliation

A Dream of Unrequited Love and Reconciliation
This is my background in the original world. I am a 24 year old man, just graduated from Geological Engineering. I'm a Protestant. In the past, I liked a woman named Ade Putri Mursidi in the real world, she was very beautiful and also really met my preferences in all aspects, starting from achievements, personality, thoughts and creativity. But she is Muslim. In the real world, he comes from Bangka Belitung Province and moved to Gunungkidul Regency, Playen District to be precise, in 2016. He was in the same high school as me, one year below me at SMA 2 Wonosari. I used to really like her, but I never told her in the real world. Until I went to college, I had a lot of college entrance exam preparation books, I gave them to that woman. I still kept in contact with him until the 4th semester because I was busy studying at the Geological Engineering Department. Previously, I had time to come to his house, praise her, meet his parents, but I failed to confess to her. Not long after that, it turned out that he was approached by a man who had stolen my woman, before, again. Then, this is the world of dreams, I just had a dream on June 16 2024. In the dream it seemed like I was still a Protestant. I met a woman whose face was similar to Ade Putri Mursidi, met in a kind of cafe with a round, varnished wooden table next to a large tree that was not too old. I held his hand expectantly and stared. He waited, then asked "What's wrong?". I answered "I've liked you for a long time, but I haven't had the chance to express it". In this dream world I told him that I was in the same middle school as him and had liked him for more than 12 years. The woman smiled and was surprised. He asked "Are we in the same middle school, I don't know?". I answered "Yes, we are in the same middle school". Then the conversation continued with details of things from middle school to high school. He was running around taking turns chatting and discussing this between his female friends and me. The woman's friend sat at the end of the cafe, close to the entrance. Not long after that I was called by Ade to come to his other friend, to sit in a circle with several people. It looks like it's 5-6 people with 4 women and 2 men. Another man sits on the floor. I came humbly and shyly, then sat on the floor. The 30 year old woman, one of Ade's friends, said to me, "Don't sit there, come over here, sit on a chair." I answered "I was going to just sit here, but okay". Then the 30-year-old woman replied, "Good, you are humble, big-hearted and attractive." I was with these people who seemed to be from various human races mixed together, chatting directly using Indonesian. I answered every detail of their questions. It seems that 30-year-old woman has the ability to detect lies, and I answered all his questions correctly and honestly. Then, there is a scene where we are in a fairly large room with Catholic religious writing on it. It looks like it's Latin, or Portuguese. And those of us in the cafe, including Ade Putri Mursidi's friend, were praying. But the problem is that in the real world he is Muslim, and this scene i a dream world Once upon a time, in this dream world, there was a flashback story where I fought over Ade Putri Mursidi with a man I didn't know. Starting from the ability to seduce, looks, and other advantages. There was also a scene where we dueled over one woman using intangible power, and I won. And some dream that blurly, i didnt remember it.

This dream may symbolize unresolved feelings and desires from the dreamer’s past. The dreamer’s background in the original world, as a 24-year-old man who had a crush on a Muslim woman named Ade Putri Mursidi, reflects his real-life experiences and emotions. The dreamer’s inability to confess his feelings to Ade in the real world may represent his fear of rejection or societal barriers. However, in the dream world, the dreamer is able to express his feelings to a woman who resembles Ade, indicating a desire for reconciliation and closure. The setting of a cafe with a large tree may symbolize a safe and comfortable space for the dreamer to open up and be vulnerable. The dreamer’s conversation with the woman about their shared past suggests a longing for a deeper connection and understanding. The presence of other people, including Ade’s friends, may represent the dreamer’s desire for acceptance and approval from those close to Ade. The dreamer’s hesitation to sit on a chair when asked by a 30-year-old woman may reflect his feelings of unworthiness or insecurity. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s longing for closure and reconciliation with his past and his desire for acceptance and love.