A Dream of Waiting and Anticipation

A Dream of Waiting and Anticipation
I was in my car parked at the side of the road. I was parked next to funfair that was closed and I was waiting for it to open and waiting for a text from my sister to collect her to then bring her to the fair. I had my mum in the passenger seat but we did not speak. To my right was a big warehouse with a gate and two small red vans came down the road and turned into the warehouse yard and the gates opened for them. I then got a message from my sister and went.

This dream may represent a sense of waiting and anticipation in your waking life. The car symbolizes your journey and the road represents the path you are on. Being parked at the side of the road suggests that you may feel stuck or unsure about your direction. The closed funfair may symbolize missed opportunities or unfulfilled desires. Waiting for it to open and for a text from your sister may indicate a desire for excitement or connection with loved ones. Your mother’s presence in the passenger seat may represent a need for guidance or support. The warehouse and red vans may symbolize work or responsibilities that you are trying to avoid. The gates opening for the vans could represent opportunities or challenges that you are hesitant to face. Overall, this dream may reflect a sense of restlessness and a need for change or new experiences in your waking life.