A Flight with Coca-Cola and Hidden Truths

A Flight with Coca-Cola and Hidden Truths
soñé q estaba en un vuelo y que los de la coca cola nos bajaban a ciertas personas porque unas raíces cuadradas no estaban dando resultado, pero estábamos por mi casa, entonces nos bajábamos y de que estábamos escondidos unas personas y yo en la regadera de casa de mis abuelos, y cómo tiene luces y un ventanal pues no se ve para adentro pero los de la coca sabían q estábamos ahí, entonces nos empiezan a decir verdades de los que estábamos ahí, y uno de los de alado de mi, dijo que el hermano de VALIZ le había dado tetanos a un niño de 8 años, y cuando iban a llegar a mi, me desperté. interpret it in english

The dreamer is on a flight with Coca-Cola employees who are removing certain passengers due to square roots not yielding results. The flight is near the dreamer’s house, and they all disembark and hide in the shower of their grandparents’ house. Despite the lights and large window, the Coca-Cola employees know they are there and begin to reveal truths about those hiding. One person mentions that VALIZ’s brother gave tetanus to an 8-year-old child. The dream ends before the Coca-Cola employees reach the dreamer. This dream may symbolize the dreamer’s fear of being exposed or judged for something they have done. The presence of Coca-Cola, a well-known brand, could represent societal pressure or expectations. The dreamer’s hiding in their grandparents’ house may suggest a desire for safety and protection. The revelation of the truth about VALIZ’s brother could represent the dreamer’s fear of being associated with someone who has done something wrong. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s anxieties and insecurities about being judged or exposed in some way.