A Futuristic Journey: A Biblical Dream Interpretation

A Futuristic Journey: A Biblical Dream Interpretation
I was in a futuristic world. I fled with a group of people down a big river. The futuristic coast guard caught us and we were transported to an interim place. It was run by robots. We had to go through machines with sharp objects. I lost sight of my group and fell behind. I got scared by the machines we had to slide through avoiding the sharp objects. Then Martha pulled me aside and brought me to a different part of that world. She payed to have my eyes and nail’s altered to look like hers. This way she could take me to Mars with her. They knew her there at this place where they altered my eyes and hand color and nails. She waited for me and made sure they did it right. A machine type thing approached me and massaged my feet. It was an electronic virtual massage. Afterward Martha and I walked back to her car. I told her in my world Earth my favorite nail color was burgundy. She laughed and didn’t know what I meant. I pointed to a burgundy colored tile on a roof of a house as we walked by. I told her it’s called burgundy because of the red wine color and that burgundy was a region in France where they made that wine. She didn’t understand any of it. It got dark and we started running and she couldn’t remember where she parked her car. It wasn’t safe outside in the dark. I understood that. She headed towards a huge a building at the end of the parking garage where she knew people. The entrance was guarded by 2 sphinxes and every time it seemed they let us through the spaces was too small. Finally we got through but she didn’t make it in with me. I panicked and tried to find my way back out but I ended up somewhere else not on the side we true to get it. It was a busy down town street with stange people and lights. I desperately called for Martha then I woke up

This dream may symbolize a journey through life, with the futuristic world representing the unknown future and the river representing the flow of time. The group of people could represent the support and companionship we have in our journey, while the coast guard and robots could symbolize the challenges and obstacles we face. The machines with sharp objects may represent the trials and difficulties we encounter, and the fear and separation from the group could symbolize feelings of isolation and vulnerability. Martha, who alters the dreamer’s appearance, could represent a guide or mentor who helps us adapt and navigate through unfamiliar situations. The mention of Mars could symbolize a desire for new experiences and opportunities. The electronic massage and altered appearance could symbolize a desire for transformation and change. The mention of Earth and burgundy could symbolize a longing for familiarity and comfort in the midst of change. The sphinxes guarding the entrance to the building could represent guardians or gatekeepers, and the struggle to enter could symbolize the challenges and tests we face in our journey. The dreamer’s panic and search for Martha could symbolize a fear of losing guidance and direction. This dream may be a reminder to trust in God’s guidance and protection as we journey through life, and to embrace change and transformation with faith and courage.