A Generous Donation and Confusion in College

A Generous Donation and Confusion in College
I was enrolled in school at Sacred Heart College. I wanted to go give $20 in the church collection and noticed I only gave $10. I tried to hand the collection person $20 and exchange it for my $10. They then opened their hand to reveal I had already given the $10 bill, a $20 bill, and some $1 bills. I felt too awkward to explain the exchange and ended up giving them my $20 bill in addition, now donating over $50 when I wanted to donate $20. I’m back in college but then remembered I already did college so i'm thinking “is this grad school?”. i was taking these classes and i remember being like “why am i taking a math class?” there was a guy there i was going on a date with and we were both reading these 25 minute short stories in the history of something for school.

This dream may symbolize feelings of guilt and confusion in your waking life. The setting of being enrolled in school at Sacred Heart College suggests a desire for knowledge and growth. However, the dream takes a turn when you realize you have only donated $10 instead of the intended $20. This could represent a sense of not meeting your own expectations or feeling inadequate in some aspect of your life. The attempt to exchange the $20 bill for your $10 may indicate a desire to correct a mistake or make up for something. The revelation that you had already given more than you thought may suggest that you are actually doing better than you realize. The awkwardness and decision to donate even more money could symbolize a fear of judgment or a need to prove yourself. The confusion about being back in college and questioning if it is grad school may represent uncertainty about your current path or feeling like you are repeating past mistakes. The math class and date with a guy could symbolize a struggle between practicality and romance in your life. Overall, this dream may be reflecting inner conflicts and a need to find balance and clarity in your choices and actions.