A Heavenly Touch: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

A Heavenly Touch: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
I had one of those dreams where i don't know if i'm asleep or not. In my dream i felt that someone was touching and holding my right hand. the touch of the hand felt very soft and silky. in my dream i remember thinking that the ordinary hand doesn't feel that soft. Then i felt this strong sense of feeling in my spirit that told me that it was my deceased mother's hand that was touching my hand. And then i just woke up.

The dreamer’s experience of feeling someone touching and holding their hand in a dream can be interpreted as a spiritual encounter. In the Bible, dreams are often used as a means of communication from God or angels. The dreamer’s uncertainty of being asleep or awake can symbolize their spiritual state, as they may be in a state of spiritual awakening or seeking guidance from a higher power. The soft and silky touch of the hand can represent the gentle and loving nature of God, who is often described as a comforting presence in times of need. The dreamer’s recognition of the touch as their deceased mother’s hand can be seen as a sign of her continued presence and love in their life, even after her passing. This can bring comfort and reassurance to the dreamer, knowing that their loved one is still with them in spirit. The strong sense of feeling in the dreamer’s spirit can be interpreted as the Holy Spirit, who is often described as a guide and comforter in the Bible. This dream may be a reminder for the dreamer to seek spiritual guidance and comfort from God and their loved ones who have passed on. Ultimately, this dream can be seen as a message of love and reassurance from a higher power, reminding the dreamer that they are never alone and always loved.