A Journey of Faith: Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

A Journey of Faith: Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
I was in a giant sports stadium, trying to make my way to my seat. Or maybe I was looking for a place on stage. I can’t quite remember. All I remember is looking around, being super confused, and there were a TON of people there. Totally packed stadium. I was going “against the flow” of the crowd. Lots of people coming *at me* as I was trying to find my way. Taylor Vanderwell was there. She was in front of a wall of people coming at me and basically pulled me aside and had me follow her. I’m not sure how we got there, but next thing I knew I was boarding a private jet. It was super nice and I only got access to the jet because I was with her. We boarded and the jet took off. Maybe an 18-person jet? Not sure. Not super big. But last thing I remember was looking out the window and seeing clear, blue skies below. Then I woke up.

The dream of being in a giant sports stadium represents the journey of life, filled with confusion and uncertainty. The dreamer is searching for their place, whether it be in the crowd or on stage, but is met with a sea of people and obstacles. This can symbolize the challenges and distractions that we face in our daily lives, making it difficult to find our true purpose and direction. The dreamer’s encounter with Taylor Vanderwell, who represents a guide or mentor, is a reminder that we are not alone in our journey and that there are people who can help us navigate through the chaos.

Boarding a private jet with Taylor symbolizes a journey of faith and trust in God. The dreamer is given access to something luxurious and exclusive, representing the blessings and rewards that come with following God’s path. The small size of the jet may suggest that the journey may not be easy or glamorous, but it will be worth it in the end.

The clear, blue skies seen from the window of the jet symbolize a sense of peace and clarity that comes from following God’s will. It is a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and confusion, God is in control and will guide us to our destination. This dream serves as a reminder to trust in God and seek guidance from those who can help us on our journey of faith.