A Journey Through Different Worlds: A Dream Analysis

A Journey Through Different Worlds: A Dream Analysis
was on some bus for some reason. My twin and I were affectionate for some reason. Then we stopped at some shop and I found a vinyl with only one song. I got it anyway. Then I got on the bus again. My twin was sitting behind me. When we got home we were all of the sudden in this flood escape 2 world. I don't remember much of what happened. Then one of my alters whose name is hummingbird, was being weird to one of my twins alters. I forgot who they were though. They both went in the bathroom and that alter used a hairbrush to be sexually intimate to hummingbird. Then our grandma walked in and we lied saying we were bathing. She bought the lie and they continued. But then I had a false awakening with alters feeling disgusted. I went to some strange place but I forgot what happened there. I just knew a bunch of people were mocking some political party. Then I went to another place that was a school but different. I saw other people my age there and they were surprisingly nice. We were solving some really weird problems. But then we ended up in the rooms from roblox. So we had to do even more. We all talked about the game itself until we run into some strange code. The rooms don't have codes so this was unfamiliar. But I ignored that fact and messed around. I had some journal on me and I was quickly using it up because I had so much on my mind. Then we were all about to get on the last room but then some monster started to chase us all. We ran into some random house and there were people online talking about shipping the lamp from don't hug me im scared and Masami from the amazing world of gumball. Those characters turned out to be real and they were actually dating. They started to warn us about Black from vs imposter v4. They were abusing their son that they adopted after getting the sons real dad killed. The sons name was grey and we were all tasked to find him. We ran around because the monster found us and then we found some set of stairs that go down. We all run down and then I opened some door that was there. There was grey and black. They were fighting but then grey started singing as if he was in some musical. I got him to follow me but then black screeched and started chasing us with a knife. Grey continued to sing to reason with black and then I started singing my own lyrics about the monster who was chasing me. I just liked the thought of harmonizing with grey. We reached the bottom of the stairs and the monster and black caught up to all of us. But then we were back in the rooms again. We lost grey. Then the exact same thing happens a few more times. Except for one time I was hiding below some stairs with the monster laughing. I saw a yellow light which resembled the curious light from rooms. On the last time once I was with grey again. The lamp from don't hug me I'm scared comes in and sings about Masami. But then asks grey to be his friend. I write a lot of pages about what happened in ny journal. And then I woke up

This dream may symbolize a journey through different aspects of your subconscious mind. The bus ride with your twin may represent a close relationship or connection with yourself. The vinyl with only one song could symbolize a limited or one-dimensional aspect of yourself that you are still willing to explore. The flood escape 2 world may represent a chaotic or overwhelming situation in your life. The alter named hummingbird may represent a playful or carefree aspect of yourself, while the alter being sexually intimate may symbolize a desire for intimacy or connection. The false awakening and strange places may represent a feeling of being lost or unsure of your direction in life. The school and solving problems may symbolize a need for structure and problem-solving in your life. The rooms from Roblox may represent a desire for escape or distraction. The monster and Black may symbolize fears or challenges you are facing. The singing and harmonizing with Grey may represent a need for creativity and expression. Overall, this dream may suggest a need for balance and exploration of different aspects of yourself.