A Journey Towards Fulfillment

A Journey Towards Fulfillment
seeing someone doing yoga classes in a dry area and i want to join their yoga classes which in real life I want to, after that I don't know i have 2 best friends i.e. boys. (in real life i don't have many friends to share).where one girl got a job and moving while another one just got a letter from isro saying you are going to get selected if you prepare for this test and a marriage proposal with all qualities that he wanted (in real life iam preparing for isro and also searching for the man of my dreams) but the other friend doesnt like him to leave as it might affect their friend ship so i convinced him to agree and he went to their home where his mother waiting eagerly for him and once he came she got excited and his dad to and they said in right time we should get married after that i saw a poster named saibaba ashram

This dream reflects your desire for personal growth and fulfillment. The dry area symbolizes a lack of emotional nourishment and the need for a positive change in your life. The yoga classes represent your desire for inner peace and balance. Your willingness to join the classes shows your determination to achieve this goal. The two best friends represent different aspects of your personality – one who is practical and focused on career, and the other who is emotional and values relationships. The girl getting a job and moving symbolizes your own ambition and drive to succeed. The letter from ISRO signifies your potential and the opportunities that await you. The marriage proposal with all the qualities you desire represents your search for a perfect partner. The hesitation of your friend to let go of the man symbolizes your fear of losing your independence and the potential changes in your friendship. The saibaba ashram poster signifies your spiritual journey and the need for guidance and support in your pursuit of happiness. Overall, this dream reflects your inner conflicts and desires, and the need to find a balance between your personal and professional goals.