A Joyful Dream of Marriage and Motherhood

A Joyful Dream of Marriage and Motherhood
سلام عزباء حلمت انو الخطبت و حاطة لضيوف حلويات كثير معسلة و بعدها حملت يوم وولدت طفل ذكر جميلا جدا و في اليوم التالي كنت أحمله و احضنه اضمه لصدري فرحانة كثير به قلت لأمي هل اعطيه الماء قالت لي لا مزال صغير قلت في نفسي من ولدته لم أطعمه شيء كنت انتظر شيء لكي استحم و بعده ارضعه و كانت معنا طبيبة في المنام هي استقبلت ضيوف و كانت معي عند ولادته

This dream symbolizes the dreamer’s desire for marriage and motherhood. The dreamer is represented as a single woman, but in the dream, she is getting married and preparing for the arrival of a baby boy. This represents the dreamer’s longing for a committed relationship and starting a family. The abundance of sweets and desserts in the dream may symbolize the dreamer’s anticipation and excitement for the future. The birth of a beautiful baby boy signifies new beginnings and the dreamer’s hope for a happy and fulfilling family life. The dreamer’s joy and love for her baby is evident as she holds him close to her chest. This may also represent the dreamer’s desire to nurture and protect her future child. The presence of a doctor in the dream may symbolize the dreamer’s need for guidance and support in her journey towards marriage and motherhood. Overall, this dream reflects the dreamer’s strong desire for love, marriage, and motherhood, and her readiness to embrace these new roles in her life.