A Mother’s Instinct: The Symbolism of a Bear in a Dream

A Mother’s Instinct: The Symbolism of a Bear in a Dream
I walked into a bathroom to wash my hands and two doctors were in a stall where they were licking blood off of the toilet seat. I ran out and told the head nurse. I then went to find my son who was in the auditorium with a missing shoe. Then everyone was running outside. All the kids were running to the lake where there was a half boat half flying machine where they would kick to fly. They started kicking and started flying but it crashed on the other side of the lake. All the parents including myself ran over there. As we were searching for our kids in the bushes we heard a noise and I went around the tree and came face to face with a black bear. I immediately became big and got loud to try to scare the bear away from the kids. The bear made noise because a teenager was trying poke it from the other side so it became mad. I saw my son was some ways behind the teenager in the bush. I went behind the tree to the other side. The bear was on two legs. I was still being loud and as big as possible. The teenager was laughing still trying to provoke the bear. The bear came back down on all fours looking at me and it was like looking at another mother like she to was looking for her cubs and then she looked at the teenager with anger. I then woke up.

This dream may symbolize the dreamer’s maternal instincts and protective nature towards their child. The bathroom scene with the doctors licking blood off the toilet seat could represent a fear of contamination or illness, possibly related to the dreamer’s child. The missing shoe in the auditorium could symbolize a feeling of being unprepared or vulnerable in a situation. The flying machine in the lake may represent the dreamer’s desire for their child to have freedom and independence, but the crash could symbolize a fear of failure or danger. The appearance of the black bear could represent a threat or danger to the dreamer’s child, and the dreamer’s transformation into a bigger, louder figure could symbolize their fierce protection and willingness to confront any danger. The teenager provoking the bear could represent a rebellious or reckless aspect of the dreamer’s child. The bear’s change in behavior towards the dreamer and the teenager could symbolize the dreamer’s realization that they are not alone in their protective instincts, and that others may also have a strong desire to protect their loved ones. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s deep love and concern for their child, and their determination to keep them safe from any harm.