A Mysterious Encounter in the Night

A Mysterious Encounter in the Night
It was night and it was raining heavily and a woman took me I side her car Saying it was dangerous and something bad was happening but I didn't have a bad feeling or seeing something bad to happen so I ran out of the car and walked away a bit away it was day and sunny and saw a guy who people are telling me he likes me get inside a building with his friend and the moment he saw me someone dragged him I side and on some rocks three man we're there and they asked if I was my name and if I studied on my school and I said yes and asked how do they know and they said that the boy who likes me talks a lot about me

This dream may symbolize a sense of danger or uncertainty in your waking life. The night and heavy rain could represent a period of darkness or turmoil, while the woman in the car may represent a protective figure or a sense of safety. However, your lack of fear or concern suggests that you may be feeling confident and able to handle any challenges that come your way. The transition to day and sunshine could symbolize a shift towards positivity and clarity. The man who likes you may represent a potential romantic interest or someone who admires you. The fact that he is dragged away by someone else could suggest external forces or obstacles preventing you from pursuing this connection. The three men asking about you and your school could symbolize a need for validation or recognition from others. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings about relationships, safety, and self-worth.