A Night of Hidden Secrets and Revelations

A Night of Hidden Secrets and Revelations
I was at home with my friends when all of a sudden I see my cousin in the house and my cousin’s wife’s sister was also at the house when they were not supposed to be I told them to leave before the sun goes down and I went to take a nap, when I woke up everyone else were also sleeping I checked the time and it was late so I panicked and started asking why they’re not home, my friend said she didn’t want to go home but I can’t let her stay because my parents are strict so I told everyone to call their parents to pick them up, my cousin said her dad would be here at 4 am my friend said a few minutes my cousin’s wife’s sister said later, then my uncle got home and I started to panic even more so I hid everyone until they all wanted to get out of their hiding place and come out so I met with them in the bathroom trying to still hide them when my uncle started knocking and asking if I was okay then he ended up opening the door and saw everyone but he didn’t get mad he started partying with water and so did we in a spit second the bathroom and house was full of people that’s when I got out of the tub and started gasping for air it’s like I was drowning but I wasn’t in not pool or ocean

This dream may symbolize a fear of being caught or exposed for something that you or those around you are hiding. The presence of your cousin and your cousin’s wife’s sister, who were not supposed to be there, could represent hidden aspects of yourself or your relationships that you are trying to keep hidden. The urgency to leave before the sun goes down may suggest a fear of consequences or judgment if these secrets are revealed. The fact that everyone is sleeping and you are panicking about their absence could indicate a sense of responsibility and pressure to keep these secrets hidden. The arrival of your uncle, who does not get mad but instead joins in the party, could symbolize a fear of judgment or disapproval from authority figures, but also a sense of relief and acceptance when they do not react negatively. The feeling of drowning in the end could represent the overwhelming emotions and stress associated with keeping these secrets hidden. This dream may be a reflection of your subconscious fears and anxieties about being exposed or judged for something that you or those around you are hiding.