A Night of Unexpected Revelations

A Night of Unexpected Revelations
I dreamt that Carlos, Jose, you and me were at my crib right, then out of nowhere Jose screams we should go watch porn at the monumento (idk if you know it but it’s a little building at the center of my colonia) anyway, we were all there and we plugged in your computer bc I remember the setup BY HEART and then you had porn open, but it was hentai, and I looked at you with the look of you fucked up niggaaaa, and then Jose says “todos lo vemos no nos hagamos”, then we were gonna start watching a hentai and PUM I wake up to my dad telling me the alarm was suene y suene

The dream begins with the dreamer, Carlos, Jose, and another person at the dreamer’s house. Suddenly, Jose suggests watching porn at a nearby monument. The group agrees and they set up the dreamer’s computer to watch hentai. The dreamer is surprised and disapproving of the choice of porn, but Jose insists that they all watch it together. As they are about to start, the dreamer wakes up to their father telling them to turn off the alarm.

This dream may symbolize the dreamer’s inner conflict between their desires and their moral values. The presence of Carlos and Jose, who are likely close friends, suggests that the dreamer may feel pressured to conform to their friends’ actions and beliefs. The dreamer’s disapproval of the hentai may represent their own disapproval of indulging in taboo or immoral activities. However, the dreamer’s hesitation to watch the hentai may also suggest a curiosity or temptation towards exploring their sexual desires. The sudden interruption by the dreamer’s father may symbolize the dreamer’s fear of getting caught or facing consequences for their actions. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s struggle with their own desires and the influence of their peers.