A Night Train Journey with Hidden Dangers

A Night Train Journey with Hidden Dangers
I had a dream that i was in train travelling with someone or may be friends it was night time first so i was on the upper birth and one unknown aunty sleeping on that place i was so uncomfortable whole night cant sleep or sit properly as i had less space then she woke up and we had some talk i get down then two women entered the compartment and speaking about something that maybe about me and i felt something wrong and took my bag from upper birth then as i walked they talked about me to take my things then they took my laptop charger there was a police women also but no one cares in the next scene i was in railway station and watching the public moving in hurry and wondering what was their life the end

The dreamer’s journey on a train symbolizes their life journey. The train represents the path they are on and the people they meet along the way. The dreamer’s discomfort on the upper berth suggests that they are feeling restricted and confined in their current situation. The unknown aunty sleeping on the berth represents a hidden danger or threat that the dreamer is unaware of. This could be a person or situation that is causing them discomfort and hindering their progress. The arrival of two women discussing the dreamer suggests that there may be people in their life who are talking behind their back and causing them harm. The dreamer’s decision to take their bag and leave the train symbolizes their desire to remove themselves from this negative influence. The presence of a police woman indicates that the dreamer may feel powerless and in need of protection. The dreamer’s observation of the public rushing by at the railway station reflects their curiosity about the lives of others and their own place in the world. Overall, this dream may be a warning to the dreamer to be cautious of hidden dangers and negative influences in their life.