A Psychedelic Bathroom Trip

A Psychedelic Bathroom Trip
It was a psychedelic scene in a bathroom you were sitting naked on the sink with your legs spread and your nipples were growing out like long worms It was trippy. It felt like we were like way too stoned or something Felt like a safdie brothers movie And there was a girl with black hair in the bath And everyone was laughing but like that kind of laughing that happens in movies when a character is having a bad trip

This dream may symbolize a desire for escape or a need to let go of inhibitions. The bathroom setting could represent a private and intimate space, while the psychedelic elements suggest a desire for a more colorful and unconventional experience. The dreamer’s nakedness and spread legs could symbolize vulnerability and openness to new experiences. The growing nipples could represent a sense of heightened sensitivity or arousal. The presence of a girl with black hair in the bath could symbolize the dreamer’s own feminine qualities or a desire for a deeper connection with their feminine side. The laughter and feeling of being too stoned could suggest a fear of losing control or a need to let go of rigid thinking. The reference to a Safdie Brothers movie could symbolize a desire for a more chaotic and unpredictable life. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s desire for a more free-spirited and unconventional existence.