A Reunion with an Old Friend

A Reunion with an Old Friend
i woke up all of a sudden in an old friend called eva's room, after a few minutes i stuck my head out from under the bed and said hi to her, she already knew i was there, she told me to be quiet so her mother didn't get suspicious and come in her room, i tried to be quiet but after a couple of minutes shes came through the door and noticed me under the bed, she ripped the whole bed off me and turned it into some sort of bath and jokingly pretended to drown me

This dream may symbolize a desire for reconnection with someone from your past. The sudden awakening in Eva’s room could represent a sudden realization or reminder of this desire. The fact that you were under the bed may suggest feelings of hiding or avoidance in regards to this person. However, your eventual emergence and greeting of Eva could indicate a willingness to confront these feelings. Eva’s request for quietness to avoid her mother’s suspicion may represent a fear of judgment or disapproval from others in regards to this reconnection. The transformation of the bed into a bath and the playful drowning may symbolize a cleansing or release of these fears and anxieties. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious longing for a reunion with someone from your past, and a reminder to confront any fears or hesitations that may be holding you back.