A Road Trip with an Old College Crush: A Dream Analysis

A Road Trip with an Old College Crush: A Dream Analysis
I somehow ended up going on a road trip with an old college crush or rather his family. I was with his dad or grandfather and it was just the two of us at first and then we picked up grandson and adopted son or something and then we first like two military bases and then we drove to a Military children’s clinic and I thought that one of the people there was someone I knew from high school and he was not and he was like OK I’m just gonna walk away now and I was like OK and all I asked was did you go to central from 2002 to 2006 or were you there during that time. And then my college crush came and met us at this clinic and I got up to say hi and he hugged me very possessively with his hands on my ass and when I rebuked him saying it was not an appropriate place, he was like and I was like no not really But still not goes some possessive statement and then everyone is ready to leave and I asked if we were getting on the road on the road and they said yes hold on. I’m gonna have to go break and then I tried to then I asked if I go to the bathroom and they were like really hesitant to let me behind this door into the actual clinic I guess because it’s a children’s place and I was like I don’t like just tell me what I have to do because I’m like about to And they’re like five dollars and I was like oh shit I don’t care OK hold on. I got five dollars and gave it to him. They will give you something else too and I was like OK and then give me like all these really old slides, one of which had Some phrase associated with my crushes. That was the car that I had been riding in that entire dream also had it and we’ve been part and I was just sitting in the car while father was picking up the grandson and the adopted son. There was a girl that rolled past on a gurney, but from the way the landscape was and everything it just looked like she was floating over the top of the hill .

This dream may symbolize unresolved feelings or desires for someone from your past. The road trip represents a journey or exploration of these emotions. The presence of the crush’s family may suggest a desire for acceptance or approval from them. The military bases and children’s clinic could represent a sense of duty or responsibility towards others. The mistaken identity of someone from high school may symbolize confusion or uncertainty about your own identity. The possessive hug from the crush may indicate a desire for control or possessiveness in the relationship. The hesitation to let you use the bathroom may represent a fear of vulnerability or being exposed. The old slides with phrases associated with the crush may represent memories or nostalgia for the past. Overall, this dream may be reflecting on your past relationship with this person and your current feelings towards them.