A Strange Dream of a Child and Rain

A Strange Dream of a Child and Rain
ياخي حلمت اني اشوف في المنام طفل اذن في زي قريه وا اشوفني حاولت باي طريقه اجي المكان الي يذن فيه طفل هاذا بعدين اشوف وقات ممطره وا اخته تصور ابوها وا اشوف طفل حاضنه عندي بل سرير لكن فوقي مخليه بل ضبط وا حاولت اتقرب منه 18+ ولله الحلم غريب لابعد درجه وش تفسير ذا شي وا في الاخير صارت احداث اخره فجاه جاني شعور اني ابي احظن طفل وا احميه في سريري وا صحيت وش تفسير هاذا الحلم

This dream may symbolize a desire for nurturing and protection. The child in the dream could represent innocence, vulnerability, or a new beginning. The fact that the child is in a village setting could suggest a connection to one’s roots or a simpler way of life. The rain could represent cleansing, renewal, or emotional release. The child’s sister taking a photo of their father could symbolize a desire for capturing memories or preserving a sense of family. The child being in your bed could represent a need for comfort or a reminder of your own inner child. The sudden feeling of wanting to hold and protect the child could indicate a longing for a sense of purpose or responsibility. Overall, this dream may reflect a desire for a more nurturing and meaningful life, or a need to reconnect with your inner self and emotions.