A Symbolic Reunion: The Red Walker in My Cousin’s Room

A Symbolic Reunion: The Red Walker in My Cousin’s Room
My cousin living with a nice woman and her kids I go visit and notice my mom’s red walker in my cousin room. Figuring she left it after visiting my cousin I intend to take it with me but forget. One day my cousin is at work and I take the woman and her kids shopping and bring the red walker with me. The kids are super sweet and helpful 2 boys and a girl. The 2 boys are close in age with different fathers and the fathers get along. I end up leaving the walker because the woman tells me my mom may have left it intentionally and that my mom is very comfortable when she visits

This dream may symbolize a reunion with family members and the discovery of a forgotten connection. The cousin represents a familiar and comfortable relationship, while the nice woman and her kids may represent a new and welcoming addition to the family. The red walker, a symbol of mobility and independence, may represent a reminder of the dreamer’s mother and her presence in the dreamer’s life. The dreamer’s intention to take the walker with them may suggest a desire to hold onto memories and connections with loved ones. However, the forgetfulness and leaving the walker behind may symbolize the dreamer’s struggle to hold onto these connections in their waking life. The woman’s suggestion that the mother may have intentionally left the walker may represent the dreamer’s subconscious belief that their mother is at peace and comfortable in the afterlife. The sweet and helpful children may symbolize the dreamer’s inner child and their desire for a harmonious family dynamic. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s longing for familial connections and their journey towards finding peace and acceptance in their relationships.