A Terrifying Encounter: Threatened by a Stranger in My Own Home

A Terrifying Encounter: Threatened by a Stranger in My Own Home
My housemates and I were home on the couch, and a strange woman walked in. I asked my friend if he knew her, he said no and she immediately started threatening us with a knife. I managed to flee the house, my friends stayed inside. I called the police but they said they would be a while as it “wasn’t urgent”. I felt all I could do was wait outside. Then my friend eventually called me to say that they had killed her and it was safe to come home. When I went home there was a group of our old friends there as well.

This dream may symbolize feelings of vulnerability and fear in your waking life. The house represents your sense of security and comfort, and the presence of your housemates suggests a strong support system. However, the sudden appearance of a strange woman disrupts this sense of safety. This woman may represent a threat or challenge in your life that you are not familiar with. Your friend’s lack of recognition of her may indicate that this threat is unexpected and unfamiliar to both of you. The knife she wields may symbolize the potential harm or danger this situation poses. Your decision to flee and call the police shows a desire to protect yourself and your friends from this threat. However, the police’s delayed response may reflect feelings of helplessness and frustration in dealing with this situation. The eventual news of the woman’s death may suggest a resolution or overcoming of this challenge. The presence of old friends at the end may symbolize a return to a sense of normalcy and support after facing this difficult situation.