A Violent Confrontation: The Symbolism of Fighting in a Dream

A Violent Confrontation: The Symbolism of Fighting in a Dream
Me and me ex husband and his wife where arguing and there little child where in the room it got really bad I called my guy friend to come help me and everything got worse I started fighting her then he jumped In so I beat both of them up it was bloody so much blood everywhere and my guy friend broke all of there foots I could here the cracks it was so loud then I leave and so dose my guy sometime had past and both of them try to beat me up but I told them I am so tired and the little girl is in the room I am on top for her dad yelling at her to leave the room now. I can feel myself getting weaker so I yell for the little girl to come back in the room and tell her to call 911 and yelled the address and I saw my phone so I started to dial the number but it wouldn’t work and he would but my hand and my Nose so I would stop I gave up and I am outside and see the cops saying the a little girl was calling them and I run upstairs and see them In handcuffs the little girl runs in my hands and we hug

This dream may reflect unresolved feelings and conflicts with your ex-husband and his current wife. The argument and physical violence could represent the emotional turmoil and anger you still hold towards them. The presence of the little girl could symbolize your inner child and the need to protect and stand up for yourself. Your guy friend could represent a supportive and protective figure in your life. The fact that he ends up causing more harm could suggest that relying on others to solve your problems may not always be the best solution. The broken foots could symbolize the damage and pain caused by this ongoing conflict. The inability to call for help and the feeling of getting weaker could represent a sense of powerlessness and frustration in the situation. The little girl calling the police and the perpetrators being arrested could symbolize justice and resolution finally being achieved. The hug at the end could represent a sense of comfort and healing after a difficult and tumultuous experience.