Betrayal and Insecurity at Horse Camp

Betrayal and Insecurity at Horse Camp
so i’m at horse camp (work) and i’m looking at the schedule for the next week and notice my ex friend, sophie lowery’s, name on the schedule as staff. then i notice the schedule is all weird and not like it usually is and i’m not very excited to work. then for some reason, there’s a threat and we all have to stay at the camp late into the evening. so i’m just hanging out with my campers and talking with other staff about how weird the schedule is, trying to convince myself that working with sophie will be fine. when we finally get to leave camp, my family and sophie’s family end up in a room alone together, hiding from the threat, and i’m trying to keep it nice and professional. i’m trying to convince myself that working with sophie will be totally ok and won’t ruin my job and summer. but eventually i break down crying and sophie makes fun of me for it. she says, “look who’s crying again” with an eye-roll and presumably lets all of the friends she convinced to leave me earlier this year know that i’m crying so they can all make fun of me. this is how i know sophie applied to the job out of malicious intent, because she had never heard of the camp before i started working there, and it’s not something she’s really interested in. i start asking her, “how could you do this to me? this is the one thing i have left. this is the one thing that makes me feel okay” and she just laughs at my pain. her family does nothing about her behavior, which makes me want to get physical. i don’t hurt sophie but instead i take it out on my step-dad todd, hitting him on the head with a spoon and immediately feeling bad and apologizing, crying more. sophie and i have to leave our families and go to my house, where my ex boyfriend, connor, and my one friend who stuck with me, jeremy meet us. me and jeremy hang out on top of my bed while sophie and connor hang out under it because that was the only place for them to go. i get sad and am about to suggest to jeremy that we go do something when he suggests it first, noticing my sadness. we get up to leave when i notice a large window is wide open. this reminds me that i don’t want sophie and connor alone in my house because they might destroy something. i call them to leave and as we get to the front door i notice that it is also wide open. i get nervous but convince myself sophie and connor probably left it open when they walked in to be mean, but i try to tell myself everything is okay. then jeremy calls us all over to the base of the stairs where he whistles to what should be empty upstairs and the whistle is returned to us by someone up there. me and jeremy take off running down the streets, leaving sophie and connor to be evil in my house. i think, “i can never come back to this house.” i try to catch up to jeremy running while i call my mom, but i can’t talk, so all she hears is my breathing.

This dream reflects feelings of betrayal and insecurity in the dreamer’s waking life. The horse camp represents a place of work and responsibility, where the dreamer is confronted with the presence of an ex-friend, Sophie Lowery. The dreamer’s discomfort with the schedule and the threat of danger symbolize their fear of facing Sophie and the potential consequences of their past friendship. The dreamer’s attempts to convince themselves that working with Sophie will be fine and won’t ruin their job and summer show their desire to maintain a sense of control and stability in their life. However, Sophie’s mocking and lack of remorse for her actions reveal the dreamer’s deep-seated pain and vulnerability. The dreamer’s outburst towards their step-dad and their fear of leaving Sophie and their ex-boyfriend alone in their house suggest a fear of being hurt and betrayed again. The presence of a supportive friend, Jeremy, offers hope and comfort, but the dreamer’s anxiety about their house being left open symbolizes their fear of being vulnerable and exposed. This dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s struggles with trust and insecurity in their relationships and the need to confront and heal from past hurts.