Betrayal and Survival: A Dream of Deception and Self-Defense

Betrayal and Survival: A Dream of Deception and Self-Defense
There's a friend that I can freely stay alone with. One day my mom gives a meal to a person. However that kindness was replayed with the intention of killing me. All assumptions were that this killing will be done by his son. I meet a lady who is very warm. To her I tell while crying how scared I am. I tell her that during noon i am in the moment but as evening approaches my heart beats faster out of fear. She shows me a vision of future where I see a very detailed statue and a girl's back hair along with me being stabbed. That back hair belongs to my friend. I was shocked to see that the person who will kill me is someone who I wouldn't even think of. I ask her if that was a vision of my future to which she says yes. I then avoid going to places with that statue. Some time passed and I thought that maybe it was a dream until my friend called me to a room with that statue. We were alone in that room. I understood she was trying to drug me so I fes her what she was trying to feed me. Before I knew I had stabbed her. She didn't die. I held her hair back so that she can talk to her dad the person who my mom gave a meal. Then I went to kitchen where my mom and the lady who showed me the vision was and told them the story

This dream may reflect feelings of betrayal and fear in your waking life. The friend you can freely stay alone with may represent a sense of trust and comfort in a close relationship. However, the kindness shown by your mother towards a person may symbolize a sense of vulnerability or naivety. The intention of killing you may represent a fear of being hurt or betrayed by someone close to you. The assumption that the killing will be done by the son may suggest a sense of betrayal or hurt from a male figure in your life. The warm lady may represent a source of comfort and support in your life. Your crying and fear may symbolize your vulnerability and need for protection. The vision of a detailed statue and a girl’s back hair may represent a specific person or situation that you fear. The shock of realizing that your friend is the one who will harm you may reflect a sense of betrayal or disappointment. Avoiding places with the statue may symbolize avoiding potential danger or harm. The dream may also suggest a need to trust your instincts and protect yourself from potential harm. The act of stabbing your friend may represent a sense of self-defense or standing up for yourself. Holding her hair back so she can talk to her father may symbolize a desire for the truth to be revealed. The dream may reflect a fear of being deceived or hurt, but also a sense of strength and survival in the face of danger.