Breathing Underwater: A Biblical Perspective on Reconnecting with Old Friends

Breathing Underwater: A Biblical Perspective on Reconnecting with Old Friends
I was with an old friend I have not seen in years. She wanted to show me her new job. She brought me to the bottom of a body pf water. She had a small cuba tank on nut I did not. We went about twenty fwet down and stayed under for a while. She brought me to two different sides of the pool. I thought this is a long time under the water but I was able to hold my breath and then I was able to breath under water. I really noticed that I could breath under and thoight it was really amazing.

In this dream, the dreamer is reunited with an old friend they have not seen in years. This friend represents a part of the dreamer’s past that they have lost touch with. The fact that the friend wants to show the dreamer her new job suggests that this part of the dreamer’s past has undergone significant changes. The body of water symbolizes the depths of the dreamer’s subconscious mind, and the fact that the friend brings the dreamer to the bottom of the water suggests that they are delving into deep, hidden emotions and memories.

The small cuba tank represents the dreamer’s lack of preparation or readiness to confront these emotions and memories. However, the dreamer is able to go twenty feet down and stay under for a while, indicating their ability to handle these deep-seated issues. This is further emphasized by the fact that the friend brings the dreamer to two different sides of the pool, representing the different aspects of the dreamer’s past that they are exploring.

The dreamer’s ability to hold their breath and then breathe underwater symbolizes their resilience and adaptability in the face of challenging emotions and memories. This is a reminder that with faith and perseverance, one can overcome any obstacle. The dreamer’s realization that they can breathe underwater and their amazement at this ability suggests that they are discovering new strengths and capabilities within themselves.

From a biblical perspective, this dream can be seen as a call to reconnect with one’s past and confront any unresolved issues or emotions. It is a reminder that with God’s strength and guidance, one can overcome any challenges and emerge stronger and more resilient. It also serves as a reminder to appreciate the people and experiences from our past, as they have played a significant role in shaping who we are today.