Confronting Arrogance and Pride: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

Confronting Arrogance and Pride: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
This morning I dreamed of a black man and his wife. They were very wealthy, lived, and what appeared to be a city almost like New York. I did not know who this man was, but he had gray hair salt and pepper hair wore glasses tall, handsome, black man Looked very sophisticated. I was his assistant, and I’m guessing not only to him but to his wife. They lived in some sort of penthouse. Everyone was at his beck and call me. He was a very sarcastic, arrogant, prideful man. And spoke to people anyway he chose to. He actually belittled people. The wife also did the same thing. In the dream the wife had asked me to make her a baked potato. But they had no microwave. I then consulted with what appeared to be a young woman who also worked for him, and she was giving instructions on that I should take a cab. Even at that suggestion, I refuse to ride around with a bulky item in a cab. At this point, I had simply had enough. When the man returned, I explained to him that his wife had wanted a baked potato, but they did not have a microwave, and that I would no longer be working for him. I said respectfully, you are arrogant and prideful And I will not be talked to any kind of way, and I will not be working for you. The man then proceeded to be shocked that someone had actually stood up to him. The scene changes and I am now on a subway or a train of some sort. The man was also on the train so it appeared he had followed me. And he had an entourage with him. He was dressed in a black turtleneck and gray like jeans with his black glasses on and looking very handsome. I remember this thought coming to me in the dream as I sat on the subway and ate an apple. As I am eating the apple Juice runs down the side of my mouth. The man goes to wipe my mouth and immediately I slap his hand and tell him not to ever touch me. The man is stunned by my reaction. Everyone is looking at us now. He is trying to get me to calm down. And I say to him, you are arrogant, and nappy headed. Everyone on the train starts to applaud, but I noticed that everyone on the train was Italian. The man gets up and says that he’s going to go and make a phone call because he was obviously embarrassed. I clearly am showing that I do not care. While I was on the train, the man asked where I was going, I said to Europe, I said, I will live there three months out of the year, he looked at me as though how could I afford to do something like that.

This dream may symbolize a spiritual battle against pride and arrogance. The black man and his wife represent worldly success and wealth, while the city and penthouse symbolize a high position in society. As the dreamer’s assistant, she is caught up in their prideful and belittling behavior. The lack of a microwave for a simple request like a baked potato may represent a lack of humility and reliance on material possessions. The dreamer’s refusal to take a cab with a bulky item may symbolize a refusal to compromise her values for the sake of convenience. This leads to a confrontation with the man, where she boldly stands up to him and refuses to be treated disrespectfully. This may represent a spiritual awakening and a rejection of worldly values. The man’s shock and embarrassment when confronted may symbolize the power of humility and standing up for what is right. The scene changes to a train, which may represent a journey or transition in the dreamer’s spiritual life. The man’s attempt to wipe the dreamer’s mouth may symbolize an attempt to control or manipulate her, but she resists and stands her ground. The applause from the Italian passengers may symbolize the approval of God and the spiritual community for standing up against pride and arrogance. The dreamer’s statement about living in Europe for three months may symbolize a desire for a more humble and spiritually fulfilling life. Overall, this dream may be a reminder to reject pride and arrogance and to seek humility and righteousness in all aspects of life.