Confronting Demonic Influences in the Dream

Confronting Demonic Influences in the Dream
Sitting in my sisters car, my.cousin says have you ever seen so many demons like in our yard, i said i don't see anything,she says cant you see all the cut mangos on the ground? I say no, and demons and spirits appear out of nowhere trying to get into the car,i lock the car,reserve and trying to run over the demons. Im unable to speak or speak the name of Jesus

This dream may symbolize a spiritual battle against demonic forces. The car represents your life journey and your sister and cousin may represent close relationships or family members who are also facing spiritual attacks. The demons in the yard could represent negative influences or temptations in your life that are trying to distract you from your spiritual path. The cut mangos on the ground may symbolize the fruit of your labor or blessings that have been taken away or destroyed by these demonic forces. Your inability to see them could suggest that you are not aware of the spiritual attacks or are in denial about their existence. The demons and spirits trying to get into the car may represent the enemy’s attempts to infiltrate and control your life. Your inability to speak or call upon the name of Jesus could symbolize a lack of faith or spiritual strength in the face of these attacks. The act of locking the car and trying to run over the demons may represent your efforts to protect yourself and fight back against these negative influences. This dream serves as a reminder to stay vigilant and rely on the power of Jesus to overcome any spiritual battles in your life.