The dream begins in a small, dark box surrounded by brick walls, representing feelings of being trapped and confined in a situation. The revolver and bullets on the table symbolize a desire for protection and control in this situation. As you load the revolver and exit into a dark hallway, you are facing your fears and confronting the unknown. The white demonic creature with no facial features represents a part of yourself that you may be suppressing or denying. It charges at you, representing the intensity of these repressed emotions. Shooting and killing the creature symbolizes your attempt to suppress these feelings, but they cannot be ignored forever. The wall on the left cracking open reveals large contorted human fingers, representing the hidden and distorted aspects of your psyche. These fingers grabbing the demonic creature and dragging it back into the crack suggests that you are finally acknowledging and accepting these repressed emotions. This dream may be a reflection of your inner struggles and the need to confront and integrate all aspects of yourself in order to find inner peace and balance.