Conquering Obstacles and Facing Fears: A Dream of Climbing a Floating Mountain and Surviving a Shark

Conquering Obstacles and Facing Fears: A Dream of Climbing a Floating Mountain and Surviving a Shark
I had a dream that I was climbing a snowy mountain with a friend where, previously, there was an avalanche. But the snow was soft like sand and it glittered in my hands and I picked up a pile of it in my hands and offered it to my friend to show it to her. We hiked along the trail and eventually went high enough to see the ocean. But the mountain peak was actually floating in the ocean near the docks where large fishing ships, cruises, and tankers where anchored. We decide to walk back down, but I come back to the docks with my aunt with my phone and my professional camera to take a picture of the mountain. The reason was because at the bottom of the floating mountain peak was a strange, green flickering light that innately I understood and I had to fall with the camera to take a picture of it for some sort of accomplishment. But in order to take a picture, my aunt and I needed to get closer. So we arrive at the docks and climb along the shipping containers and climb onto a large boat that was anchored by the dock. My aunt decides to throw the camera down the side of the tall cruise ship to take a picture of the flickering green light surrounding the bottom of the floating mountain peak in the ocean right by the docks, and in disbelief and panic, I tell her that it would be impossible to take a picture like that and by throwing it, I won't be able to get my camera back to even see the picture. So I leap off the side of the boat and mid-air try to catch the falling camera, but the camera falls into the water and sinks. I land in the water to try and catch it but the water is too deep, murky, and my feet gets entangled in seaweed which scares me, so I swim back up and tell my aunt that I fail to retrieve the camera that had been tossed. We have a conversation about the camera, until we both realize something large in the water is coming my way. I try to climb out of the water and onto the docks, but am unable to. I yell at my aunt in fear and panic to help me up, and in a flash she pulls me up as the large thing in the water comes closer. As I am pulled onto the docks, we see an incredibly large great white shark swim past with its jaws open and then it continues on swimming. I thank my aunt for saving my life, but the camera is still lost, and the phone I had in my pocket is wet and the pictures of my cats are lost. We are unsure what to do about the camera until my aunt finds two workers in a small boat and asks them for help in retrieving my professional camera that had sunk into the water. The workers sink into the water wih their boat to find it, but one of them floats back up from afar and swims back to the docks to tell us that they cannot find my camera, in which we all alude to the fact that perhaps the movement of the great white shark caused the camera to fall someplace else in the water. My aunt and I give up, and decide to go back home where we talk to our family about losing the camera in the water and the large great white shark that was as big as a tank had swim past and I would've been eaten if my aunt hadn't pulled me out of the water.

This dream may symbolize the dreamer’s journey towards overcoming challenges and fears in their waking life. The snowy mountain represents a difficult obstacle that the dreamer and their friend are climbing together, possibly representing a supportive relationship in their life. The avalanche may represent a past event or situation that caused chaos and disruption, but the dreamer is able to navigate through the soft, glittering snow, symbolizing their resilience and adaptability. The ocean and floating mountain peak may represent the dreamer’s desire for adventure and exploration, but also the unknown and unpredictable nature of life. The green flickering light at the bottom of the mountain may symbolize a hidden opportunity or goal that the dreamer is drawn to, but must take risks to achieve. The camera and phone represent the dreamer’s tools and resources, but they are lost or damaged, symbolizing potential setbacks or challenges in achieving their goals. The great white shark may represent a looming fear or threat in the dreamer’s life, but with the help of their aunt, they are able to overcome it and continue on their journey. Overall, this dream may suggest that the dreamer is determined and capable of overcoming obstacles and facing their fears in pursuit of their goals.