Discovering Hidden Treasures in the Freezer

Discovering Hidden Treasures in the Freezer
I was cleaning out the freezer and found loose frozen shrimp in the bottom. I picked it up and put it in a package of other frozen shrimp. Then I found a round glass object that looked like a domed paperweight. It was completely sealed and contained small fish and a tiny red crab. As the object began to warm, the fish began to come alive and swim inside the object. Thinking how odd this was I called to my husband to look at it. I was trying to figure out how they would start alive being sealed in glass like that.

The dream of cleaning out the freezer and finding loose frozen shrimp symbolizes the need to sort through and organize one’s thoughts and emotions. The shrimp, representing small and insignificant issues, are being collected and put together with other similar problems, indicating a desire for resolution and closure. The round glass object, resembling a domed paperweight, represents a hidden aspect of the dreamer’s subconscious. The sealed container containing small fish and a tiny red crab symbolizes repressed emotions and desires that are waiting to be released and acknowledged. As the object begins to warm, the fish coming alive and swimming inside represents the dreamer’s emotions and desires becoming more active and present in their waking life. Calling for their husband to witness this strange occurrence suggests a need for support and guidance in understanding and processing these hidden emotions. The dreamer’s confusion about how the fish could come alive while being sealed in glass reflects their own confusion and uncertainty about their repressed emotions. This dream serves as a reminder to the dreamer to acknowledge and address their hidden emotions in order to find inner peace and understanding.