Dreaming of Persecution: A Biblical Perspective

Dreaming of Persecution: A Biblical Perspective
I was in a house with my husband, my 7 year old son, and I think one or two of my sons friends. In the dream the place we were in was our house, but it didn’t look anything like the house we actually live in. There was a ton of shooting going on near us. In the dream i knew that they were going from house to house killing Christians. But the sound was so far away that I thought we had plenty of time before they got to us. (For some reason I was waiting until the sound got closer to hide us all in the crawl space) I had gotten up to use bathroom and realized an unknown man of Indian descent was in our house. I think he was working with the people killing the Christians house to house. I was too late to hide without going unnoticed, so I exited the front door and got in my Toyota Corolla and started driving away. I took no phone, no purse, nothing. I was thinking about how I could let my husband know the man was in there and I was not.

This dream may symbolize the spiritual battle between good and evil. The house represents the believer’s spiritual dwelling place, and the fact that it looks different from the dreamer’s actual house could suggest a spiritual disconnect or lack of grounding in reality. The shooting and killing of Christians could represent the persecution and suffering that believers may face for their faith. The dreamer’s initial sense of safety and distance from the violence could symbolize a false sense of security or complacency in their faith. The crawl space could represent a hidden or secret place, possibly symbolizing the need for believers to hide their faith in times of persecution.

The unknown man of Indian descent could represent a spiritual enemy or temptation that is infiltrating the believer’s life. The dreamer’s decision to leave without any personal belongings could symbolize a lack of spiritual preparation or reliance on material possessions. The thought of informing the husband about the intruder could symbolize the need for believers to communicate and support each other in times of spiritual attack.

Overall, this dream may be a warning to the dreamer to stay vigilant and prepared for spiritual attacks and to rely on their faith and support from fellow believers. It may also serve as a reminder to stay grounded in reality and not become complacent in one’s faith. The dreamer may also need to examine any potential spiritual enemies or temptations that may be infiltrating their life and take necessary precautions to protect their faith.